Welcome to the joint site of Simone and Pit. Here we have brought different things under one roof. Some of them are coproductions, others are concerning either Simone or Pit alone.
Have fun looking around ...
Da ist sie nun, meine neue Homepage für Coaching, (systemische) Beratung und dem integralen Coaching-Training "Ten Sessions". Mit vielen kostenlosen Videos zu zentralen Themen, einer Trance zur Problemlösung und Impulsen des Wolken-Orakels möchte ich dich zu einem Besuch einladen. Viel Spaß dabei.
>>> Praxis für Klarheit und Intuition
Holistic healing, clarity and relaxation at all levels of body, mind and soul (Massage, healing, talks, coaching)
FörderlichePädagogik ist Förderunterricht, in dessen Mittelpunkt der Mensch steht.
In our online shop you find our books and also a lot of products like t-shirts, hoodies, cups, bags etc. with motifs of Happy Rosanna, her friends and Galoloco, the little different Portuguese rooster. There are also some special motifs for posters that can also be printed on a few accessories.
(Simone & Pit)
A story and painting book series for any age with the joyful pig 'Happy Rosanna'. There are also many other products such as t-shirts, hoodies, mugs etc. with motifs of Happy Rosanna and her friends.
(Simone & Pit)
In the children's book 'Huhn und Maus' (Chicken and Mouse), two friends go together on a treasure hunt.
(Simone & Pit)
Galoloco the little different Portuguese rooster.
Online shop with T-shirts, hoodies, bags, cups and more, where you also can create your very own individual product.
(Simone & Pit)